Jakarta Validation

Help and contribute

Come and join us!

Jakarta Bean Validation 2.0 was published in August 2019 but it doesn't end here, come and join planning the new features of the next revision!

We welcome your contributions of any sort:


Feedback is more than welcome, either by starting a discussion on our forum or by opening/commenting an issue in our bug tracker.


If you think some new feature should be added to Jakarta Bean Validation or you want to influence the shape of new Jakarta Bean Validation features, come and join our development mailing list. In addition, you can have a look at the current proposals discussions here.


All specification work is done in the open. This does not only include discussions, but also all code and artifacts. Here is a list of all relevant GitHub source repositories:

Interested? Read all about how to:

Specification process

Jakarta Bean Validation operates under the Jakarta EE Specification Process.


The content of this specification, API, RI, TCK, JavaDoc, website is released under the Apache Software License 2.0. Get more information.

By submitting a "pull request" or otherwise contributing to this repository, you agree to license your contribution under the respective licenses mentioned above.