Jakarta Validation

Apache BVal certified as Bean Validation 1.1 implementation

Posted by Gunnar Morling    |    07 Feb 2017    news certification

While the work on Bean Validation 2.0 is well underway, I’ve some good news to share on Bean Validation 1.1 today: Apache BVal has been certified as a compliant implementation of the Bean Validation 1.1 spec!

Thanks to the great work of the friendly folks working on Apache BVal and TomEE, it has passed the TCK quite a while ago, so this announcement is long overdue. The tested version is Apache BVal 1.1.2, using the Bean Validation API signatures from org.apache.tomee:javaee-api:7.0-1 and version 1.1.4.Final of the Bean Validation TCK.

The list of certified implementations has been updated accordingly.

Congrats to the BVal team!