Jakarta Validation

Additional resources

Jakarta Bean Validation is more than a specification, it is also a vivid ecosystem.

We list here some additional resources you might find useful when using Jakarta Bean Validation.

If you know of others that might be of interest to our users, contact us on the Jakarta Bean Validation development mailing list so that we can add them here.

Additional constraints

For Jakarta Bean Validation 2.0

Nothing new. Jakarta Bean Validation 2.0 is based on Bean Validation 2.0.

For Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380)

For Bean Validation 1.0 and 1.1

Collection Validators allows to define constraints on elements of collections.

In Bean Validation 2.0 and Jakarta Bean Validation 2.0, you can use type use constraints (e.g. List<@NotBlank String>) for that.