Proposal for method validation added
The first draft of the proposal for method-level validation is online. The proposal covers the declaration of parameter as well as
return values constraints, extensions to the Validator
API, related additions to the meta-data API etc.
So check out the proposal document and let us know what you think, e.g. by sending your questions or remarks to the beanvalidation-dev mailing list.
We have introduced a new section of the website called proposals. This will include wiki-style, work in progress proposals for various features being worked on.
Check out the first proposal page describing ideas and open questions on how to propose
dependency injection in ConstraintValidator
Work on method level validation
The expert groups has begun its work on method-level validation. A feature that was drafted in the latest spec (appendix) but that we could nto finish in time.
You will be able to define constraints on parameters and your favorite interception technology (CDI, @Inject, AspectJ, Spring etc) will call Bean Validation.
The final approach is not fixed yet but it will look like this.
public class BidManager { public void placeBid(@Min(0) BigDecimal upTo) { ... } }
Want to know more? Join the expert group mailing list. Learn how.
The specification repository is released
The last piece of the puzzle is now in the open. I have just released the specification repository on GitHub.
The list of repositories for the spec are
- Specification repository
- Reference implementation repository
- API repository
- TCK repository
- This website source
Want to contribute? Learn how.
Bean Validation has been voted yes!
The expert committee has voted yes on JSR-349. That means the work for Bean Validation 1.1 can start. Read some more on Emmanuel's blog.
The next few days will be dedicated getting an expert group up and running.
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