Apache BVal certified as Bean Validation 1.1 implementation
Posted by
Gunnar Morling
07 Feb 2017
While the work on Bean Validation 2.0 is well underway, I’ve some good news to share on Bean Validation 1.1 today: Apache BVal has been certified as a compliant implementation of the Bean Validation 1.1 spec!
Thanks to the great work of the friendly folks working on Apache BVal and TomEE, it has passed the TCK quite a while ago, so this announcement is long overdue. The tested version is Apache BVal 1.1.2, using the Bean Validation API signatures from org.apache.tomee:javaee-api:7.0-1 and version 1.1.4.Final of the Bean Validation TCK.
The list of certified implementations has been updated accordingly.
Congrats to the BVal team!
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