Bean Validation 1.1 is a spec
It's now official, these couple of years of work have made it into an official JCP specification. Bean Validation is also part of Java EE 7 which has been approved too a few of days ago.
We have already discussed the features at great length here but to do a short summary:
- support for method and constructor validation (via CDI, JAX-RS etc)
- integration with CDI (
instances being CDI beans and thus accept@Inject
, etc) - EL expressions based error messages
- group conversion in object graphs
I would like to thank the expert group and the community at large (without your input there would be no 1.1), Hardy and Gunnar that worked round to clock on the spec, the RI and the TCK and deliver everything on time, Pete for being my springboard when all hell broke lose and the folks at Oracle who worked with us to integrate Bean Validation with the rest of the Java EE ecosystem whether it be spec, implementation or TCK.
Go grab Hibernate Validator, the RI. The team has even spent an extra couple of weeks to deliver a nice documentation. And if you can't sleep, go read the specification itself.
Bean Validation 1.1 CR3 - Final Approval Ballot
Bean Validation, Hibernate Validator (its Reference Implementation) and the Test Compatibility Kit have been handed over to the JCP for what is called the Final Approval Ballot. That's when the expert committee votes for the go / no-go of the specification going final as it is.
We have found a few glitches when working on both the RI and the TCK in the
last month but everything is in order now. The biggest visible change for you
is that we renamed @ValidateExecutable
into @ValidateOnExecution
and we added a
way to disable method validation entirely via the XML deployment descriptor.
We worked hard to make a stellar TCK. Let's speak numbers: the specification has 549 assertions including 492 testable. We cover 98,8% of them with 1500 tests. Good luck to all future Bean Validation 1.1 implementors :)
Everything is already available for you to use:
Bean Validation 1.1 CR1 - Proposed Final Draft
Our Proposed Final Draft has been officially handed over to the JCP last night.
After a frantic month of work culminating with two weeks of monomaniac focus, we are finally handing over the Bean Validation 1.1 Proposed Final Draft to the JCP. Of course everything is open source so you can get it too:
- the spec
- the JavaDoc
- and the API JAR: maven coordinates javax.validation:validation-api:1.1.0.CR1
What's new in Bean Validation 1.1?
The specification highlights very well the main features of this version but to summarize them:
- work done entirely in the open
- support for dependency injection and better integration with CDI
- support for method and constructor validation
- support for group conversion when cascading
- support for EL based message interpolation
What's different between Beta 4 and CR 1?
We did a lot of polishing and nailed a lot of remaining corner cases. Here is a few of the tasks we worked on:
- rework of the JavaDoc
- move to
instead of the additional@CrossParameterConstraint
on the constraint to mark a constraint as cross-parameter - many more examples in the specification
- improve node creation logic when nodes are added programmatically
- improve the creation logic of custom nodes when using the programmatic API of
in aConstraintValidator
And of course many hours rereading the specification to find holes and fix them.
Hibernate Validator 5.0.0.CR1 and the TCK should be here any minute. Help us make this spec as good as possible by reviewing it and opening issues where it itches you.
You can access the specification here. All changes are marked with a different color. Green for additions, yellow for changes. This will help you see what has changed precisely.
Please send us your remarks and comments:
- on our mailing list
- in our issue tracker
- or on the Bean Validation forum
Many many thanks to my partners in crime Hardy and Gunnar that worked around the clock with me to deliver this proposed final draft right on time but with no compromise on quality.
Bean Validation 1.1 Beta 4 - issue smashing edition
Our proposed final draft is due soon but we did one last drop of the specification and the API jar. We worked all over the board (and the clock) but the most notable improvements are:
Improvements on the CDI integration section
We made it much more descriptive of the expected behavior instead of imposing an implementation pattern. We have also added the method and constructor interception priority as defined in the Java EE specification and the interceptor specification in particular.
Thanks Pete for your help.
Remove the link between the Node API and the metadata API
This is something we could not make work, so we fall back into a more redundant but we think cleaner design. We also made the node builder API easier to use despite the increased number of node types.
//Cross-parameter constraint on a method
//mergeAddresses(Map<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,Address> otherAddresses)
//Build a constraint violation on the default path + "otherAddresses["home"]
//ie. the Address bean hosted in the "home" key of the "otherAddresses" map parameter
"Map entry home present in both and does not match")
Clarification around method validation (metadata, cross-parameter, reports)
We now have an explicit cross-parameter concept materialized in the metadata
API. It makes for a more regular and easier to browse API.
has also seen some improvements and adaptations to make
it ready for prime - method validation - time.
Mark a method as (non) validated
We slightly improved @ValidateExecutable
to be more friendly when
put on a specific method. To force a getter to be validated or to
force a method to not be validated is now more readable.
public class Operations {
public String getStatus() { ... }
public void apply(@Valid Operation operation) { ... }
Let us know what you think.
You can access the specification here. All changes are marked with a different color. Green for additions, yellow for changes and struck through red for removals . This will help you see what has changed precisely.
Please send us your remarks and comments:
- on our mailing list
- in our issue tracker
- or on the Bean Validation forum
If you want to go to the next step and contribute, send us an email to the mailing list and read how to contribute.
Bean Validation 1.1 Beta 3 - the last line
With two months since the last release and more than 38 (non trivial) issues behind us, we felt that it was a good time to release a new version. We are less than 20 days from the proposed final draft so feedback time and polishing are going into overdrive.
Expect a reference implementation and a much improved TCK aligned with this version in the next few days.
What's new
There are too many improvements so let's pick three.
Enable / disable method validation
We worked a lot on method validation and in particular how you can control
whether or not a method or constructor is being validated. You can use
and the XML validated-executables
element in
to do that.
Message interpolation with UEL
We have also greatly enhanced message interpolation. You can now use the unified expression language inside your messages. This elegantly solves a lot of feature requests we had in this area like:
- the ability to put the validated value in the message
- the ability to format numbers, dates etc according to the locale
Here is an example from @DecimalMin
. It uses the min boundary value
, the
parameter in an EL and use a formaatter to display the erroneous
${formatter.format("%1$2f", validatedValue} is incorrect ; must be greater than ${inclusive == true ? 'or equal to ' : ''}{value}
Which will be interpolated into
324.32 is incorrect ; must be greater than or equal to 500
Generic and cross-parameter constraints
Finally we have introduce the ability to make constraints both generic and
cross-parameter aware. This is useful for constraints like @ScriptAssert
are very flexible.
Please, please, please go and review the specification and tell us if something needs to be fixed.
You can access the specification here. All changes are marked with a different color. Green for additions, yellow for changes and struck through red for removals . This will help you see what has changed precisely.
Please send us your remarks and comments:
- on our mailing list
- in our issue tracker
- or on the Bean Validation forum
If you want to go to the next step and contribute, send us an email to the mailing list and read how to contribute.
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