Bean Validation TCK 1.1.4.Final released
Exactly one year after the last maintenance release we've published version 1.1.4.Final of the Bean Validation TCK today. It contains exactly one issue, BVTCK-68, which is about the removal of two tests from the TCK which could not be tested in a portable manner across containers. Check out the issue itself for the complete story.
As always, the new TCK version is available for download as TAR.GZ and ZIP on SourceForge. Alternatively you can obtain the test suite via Maven, Gradle etc. using the coordinates org.hibernate.beanvalidation.tck:beanvalidation-tck-tests:1.1.4.Final.
More information about the Bean Validation TCK can be found here and the TCK reference guide. In case you have any questions or ideas around the Bean Validation specification in general or the TCK in particular, don't hesitate to contact us through our mailing list.
Bean Validation TCKs now with signature files for Java SE 8
Good news for those of you who want to certify the compatibility of a Bean Validation implementation (and its API JAR) against Java SE 8.
We have released updates to the Bean Validation TCK 1.0 and 1.1; The versions are 1.0.7.GA and 1.1.3.Final, respectively. Both TCK releases come now with a version of the API signature file which works with Java SE 8. This signature file can be used to assert API compatibility with JSR 303/349 via the SigTest tool. SigTest 3.0 needs to be used from now on. Note that the actual tests of the TCKs remain unchanged.
You can get distribution bundles with the new signature file from SourceForge (1.0, 1.1).
More information about the Bean Validation TCK can be found here. Refer to the TCK reference guide (1.0, 1.1) if you would like to learn more about the process of asserting API compatibility.
Don't hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions around the Bean Validation specification in general or the TCK in particular.
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