Training materials on Bean Validation 1.1
I have two good Bean Validation related content for you today.
Training slides (in French)
Laurent Guerin wrote a comprehensive training on Bean Validation (1.0 and 1.1) for French students. The slides are available under a Creative Commons license. I did review them and they are very good.
The bad news is that they are in French. The good news is that they are in French!
Video training (in English)
Antonio Goncalves, my esteemed co-host of Les Cast Codeurs has published a 2 and a half hour video training on Bean Validation. It is hosted on Pluralsight where packages start at $29 / month but you can get the first 10 days free.
The good news is that Antonio has a Dr Love / French accent combo voice. The bad news? I'll let you find out ;)
Let me know if you have found good materials on Bean Validation. We might start a dedicated page on the website.
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